The Black Horse: Financial Judgment
Revelation 6:5-6 “And when He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, Come and see. So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.”
Leaders Agree: The Financial Crisis has begun! The world is teetering on the cliff of a catastrophic financial meltdown, which will mean the suffering of untold millions! God’s people need to urgently cry out for the answers that only He can give in these last days. God wants you to discern the hour in which we live and be prepared and equipped! Read and re-read the messages below. Ask God to speak to you. Don’t read this one time only. Read it again and again. Share it with your family, friends, and others.
Economic Chaos: In this endtime hour before Christ’s return, there is and will be economic chaos and worldwide judgments that will release a financial holocaust. David Wilkerson warned in his book from 1989, “America’s Last Call: On the Brink of a Financial Holocaust” that “The American Dream is going to turn into the American nightmare! It will happen suddenly, without warning, and no one will be able to explain why or how it happened. There will be sellers only, with no buyers in sight. God is going to act quickly to devastate America’s economy – not only as judgment upon the sins of this nation, but for another reason as well. God’s greater purpose in breaking down the American money machine is to deliver His redeemed children from the contagious spirit of materialism and worldly mindedness that is now engulfing our nation. God’s people won’t be able to avoid feeling the huge wave of human anxiety. Yet, at the same time, God will put within us the resources needed to take immediate control of every fearful thought and bring it to obedience to the truth of Christ. His Spirit will fill our very being with His perfect peace.”
Financial Crisis Prophecy: “When this worldwide, economic disaster hits, it will be unlike anything we have ever experienced. The world will be thrown into a state of shock. Panic and fear will grip people everywhere. They will be confused and will not know what to do or where to look for help. Fear not! Do not look around you. Do not be worried or fearful concerning your circumstances. In the midst of great turmoil, I am among My people to protect them, strengthen them, and release My provision upon them. Keep your eyes focused on Me, My strength, My faithfulness, and My promises to you.” – Dr. Morris Cerullo
Matthew 4:4: God’s people must now come into an experiential knowledge that, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that comes forth from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4). We must be delivered from the madness of our materialism and “worldly mindedness.”
Fear Not: Do we really know the root cause of this current financial crisis? Is this current financial crisis just another cycle or is it a financial judgment from God? What is God saying to His people? What is He saying to you? One thing is certain, during this time of global fear and perplexity the world does not have the solutions. But God is in control and He is the Answer! Fear not and walk humbly before God. Obey Him daily. Abide in the Vine (John 15). You must maintain an intimate and holy covenant relationship to experience God’s supernatural provision, even in times of famine and difficulty (Job 5:20-22; Psalm 89:34). You must fix your faith upon Jesus Christ and His Word alone – everything else in this world will be shaken
~ Part Two ~
Depression Has Begun: Ten months ago in November 2007, while preaching in Wisconsin USA (Andrew Strom) I felt a strong unction from the Holy Spirit to speak about the future of the United States and the imminent Crash. As often happens under that kind of anointing, a real boldness came over me, and for the first time I found myself clearly putting a "date" on the coming financial Depression – something I had never done before – except in the vaguest of terms. I found myself predicting that tragically within (6) months America would be in Recession, and within (12) months the actual Depression would begin.
The Evidence: So let us look at the evidence. It is now ten months later. Has the Depression begun? Sadly the answer has to be "Yes". In the last two weeks the two largest mortgage giants in the world (Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac) failed, the largest Insurance Company on earth crashed – AIG (all taken over by the US Government), Lehman Brothers went bankrupt (almost taking the entire financial system with it), Money Markets reeled, the two remaining giant Investment banks sought protection as "holding banks" – which means the end of Wall Street as we know it. Stocks are in turmoil, Oil leapt on Monday by the most ever recorded, gold is volatile – and on it goes. The most shattering two weeks since the Great Depression. Meanwhile the US Treasury is seeking 700 billion dollars in a forlorn effort to put Humpty Dumpty back together again – tragically too late.
There Are "Jonahs" on The Boat: Why is this storm hitting America at this time? There are certainly many reasons – most of which we have discussed before. But let me put something else before you that I believe God spoke to me not long ago – There are "Jonahs" on the boat – and they are sending the nation down. Who are these Jonahs? I believe they are the "prophets" of America who will not preach the truth – who sleep comfortably in the bowels of the nation while chaos reigns all around them. Too afraid to deliver God's word 'Repent', they run the other way toward smooth talk and pleasant sayings “Peace, peace" when there is no peace. And the depths of this great crisis can be laid directly at their door.
Yes – that's right! A big reason why the ship of America is sinking is because her prophets ran away from their God-given task and message at the crucial moment.
They Sold Out: If only these prophets had preached the TRUTH when the nation so desperately needed to hear it. If only they had begun – way back in the 1980's – to call the lukewarm church to repentance, to rebuke the people for their love of money, their greed, their sin. But no – the siren call of "popularity" was too strong. The call of "grace, grace”, of mass acceptance, of big reputations and even bigger offerings. And so they sold out. And now they sleep blissfully in the midst of the ship, while the storm whips to fury all around. How do you sleep, O Jonahs, who would not cry "Repent"? And it is not just the "prophets" either. It is the televangelists too. Caught up in a world of fakery, hype and money-grubbing unseen in the church since the Dark Ages, these hucksters are spreading their garbage to every Third World Revival nation around the globe. Greed, manipulation, and pride on a scale that only America can generate. Where is your shame, O charlatans?
And so God is forced to act. And just like Jonah, the storm will not abate until the wayward preachers are thrown overboard. Until America is rid of these international thieves and prostitutes, America is finished. And America will not recover until they are gone.
People Love It So: It is not just the leaders who are at fault here! It is also the people, who "love to have it so". And thus until the heart of the people is scourged and purged, they will accommodate the "Jonahs" – even seeking more of their ear tickling words to comfort themselves in this time of breaking. Until the heart of American greed is shattered – until the people act of their own volition to throw these Jonahs overboard – this storm will go on and on! In fact, it is about to grow a whole lot worse.
Mark My Words: America! Until you remove these Jonahs, your nation cannot recover. They have held the whole world in thrall by their apostasy. And God cannot have it so any more. How long will it take you to realize? How long will it take you to act? THROW THE JONAHS OVERBOARD and be done with them!! Only then will this mother of all storms subside (Strom).
The Evidence: So let us look at the evidence. It is now ten months later. Has the Depression begun? Sadly the answer has to be "Yes". In the last two weeks the two largest mortgage giants in the world (Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac) failed, the largest Insurance Company on earth crashed – AIG (all taken over by the US Government), Lehman Brothers went bankrupt (almost taking the entire financial system with it), Money Markets reeled, the two remaining giant Investment banks sought protection as "holding banks" – which means the end of Wall Street as we know it. Stocks are in turmoil, Oil leapt on Monday by the most ever recorded, gold is volatile – and on it goes. The most shattering two weeks since the Great Depression. Meanwhile the US Treasury is seeking 700 billion dollars in a forlorn effort to put Humpty Dumpty back together again – tragically too late.
There Are "Jonahs" on The Boat: Why is this storm hitting America at this time? There are certainly many reasons – most of which we have discussed before. But let me put something else before you that I believe God spoke to me not long ago – There are "Jonahs" on the boat – and they are sending the nation down. Who are these Jonahs? I believe they are the "prophets" of America who will not preach the truth – who sleep comfortably in the bowels of the nation while chaos reigns all around them. Too afraid to deliver God's word 'Repent', they run the other way toward smooth talk and pleasant sayings “Peace, peace" when there is no peace. And the depths of this great crisis can be laid directly at their door.
Yes – that's right! A big reason why the ship of America is sinking is because her prophets ran away from their God-given task and message at the crucial moment.
They Sold Out: If only these prophets had preached the TRUTH when the nation so desperately needed to hear it. If only they had begun – way back in the 1980's – to call the lukewarm church to repentance, to rebuke the people for their love of money, their greed, their sin. But no – the siren call of "popularity" was too strong. The call of "grace, grace”, of mass acceptance, of big reputations and even bigger offerings. And so they sold out. And now they sleep blissfully in the midst of the ship, while the storm whips to fury all around. How do you sleep, O Jonahs, who would not cry "Repent"? And it is not just the "prophets" either. It is the televangelists too. Caught up in a world of fakery, hype and money-grubbing unseen in the church since the Dark Ages, these hucksters are spreading their garbage to every Third World Revival nation around the globe. Greed, manipulation, and pride on a scale that only America can generate. Where is your shame, O charlatans?
And so God is forced to act. And just like Jonah, the storm will not abate until the wayward preachers are thrown overboard. Until America is rid of these international thieves and prostitutes, America is finished. And America will not recover until they are gone.
People Love It So: It is not just the leaders who are at fault here! It is also the people, who "love to have it so". And thus until the heart of the people is scourged and purged, they will accommodate the "Jonahs" – even seeking more of their ear tickling words to comfort themselves in this time of breaking. Until the heart of American greed is shattered – until the people act of their own volition to throw these Jonahs overboard – this storm will go on and on! In fact, it is about to grow a whole lot worse.
Mark My Words: America! Until you remove these Jonahs, your nation cannot recover. They have held the whole world in thrall by their apostasy. And God cannot have it so any more. How long will it take you to realize? How long will it take you to act? THROW THE JONAHS OVERBOARD and be done with them!! Only then will this mother of all storms subside (Strom).
~ Part Three ~
King of the Floods: David Wilkerson (08.09.16). The Psalmist writes, "The floods have lifted up, O Lord, the floods have lifted up their voice; the floods lift up their waves" (Psalm 93:3). “The floods” represent the rising waters of afflictions, the overwhelming crises that are coming on the earth affecting multitudes. This is the flood of unemployment, housing nightmares, ever-growing financial difficulties. We now face a great flood of fear and confusion about what to do to survive the storm. It tears my heart to have a single mother stop me on the street weeping, "Pastor, what am I going to do? I lost my job, and I may lose my apartment. I have nothing to live on. Where will I go?" Top-level executives are being laid off with no warning. Workers tell me they see bosses crying at their desks, asking, "What will I do? I'm broke. What about my mortgage? I have no benefits."
Faith Tested to Limit: Some terrible things are happening, even to some of the godliest believers. I ask God, "Lord, what do I tell them? They are in the flood." I know these saintly people pray and read God's Word. Indeed, they have learned to trust the Lord. But now their faith is being tested to the limit. I get calls from some who are soon to lose everything. I can't just give these people a pep talk and a few Scriptures and ask them to cheer up. I am not suffering the way they are. I’m not in danger of losing my home.
What to Do: “The time is not far away before we all will be deeply affected by the economic flood coming to the whole world. Great trials are ahead for all of us who deeply love the Lord. Here is what I am led to do by the Holy Spirit. I ask it of my family, all of whom work with the church body” (Wilkerson). Ask God if He’s leading you to do the same (Dr. Grubb added to list below):
1. No more buying luxuries;
2. Cut all spending, except absolute necessities (wartime lifestyle);
3. Sell every unneeded item and turn it into cash, and give it to ministries that care for the poor and needy – TCIF accounts like “Alms” and “Orphans”.
4. Downsize as much as possible;
5. Be willing to let it all come to this, “Having food and raiment [covering], let us be content” (1 Tim. 6:8);
6. Determine to use your time and talents only for God’s glory (He. 13:21).
6. Build-up your faith by reminding God of His promises (Ps. 29:10; 31:1).
7. Share your prayerful ideas with overseers and others.
Fear Not: “Thus saith the Lord, in the natural realm, the problems that we now face on a global scale seem to be insurmountable. However, in the midst of the financial problems that you may face, God’s hand of supernatural provision will be upon you, IF YOU FEAR NOT!” – Dr. Morris Cerullo. God has not given you a spirit of fear. He will never leave you or forsake you! FEAR NOT! There is absolutely no reason for the true child of God to FEAR – EVER! Fear will cause you to forget that God is your source (Isaiah 55:11). Whatever you do, don’t give up! Don’t throw in the towel!
Kingdom Keys: 2 Chronicles 20:20b
1. Learn from Elijah and the widow of Zarephath (1 Kings 17:9).
2. Our Part – 2 Chronicles 7:14a … God’s Part – 2 Chronicles 7:14b.
3. Humble yourself and repent of living by debt – beyond your means.
4. Do not be obsessed with personal wealth – lift up the least and the lost.
5. Watch and pray and obey every day – know God’s will and way in all your decisions.
Dr. Joseph Grubb
Faith Tested to Limit: Some terrible things are happening, even to some of the godliest believers. I ask God, "Lord, what do I tell them? They are in the flood." I know these saintly people pray and read God's Word. Indeed, they have learned to trust the Lord. But now their faith is being tested to the limit. I get calls from some who are soon to lose everything. I can't just give these people a pep talk and a few Scriptures and ask them to cheer up. I am not suffering the way they are. I’m not in danger of losing my home.
What to Do: “The time is not far away before we all will be deeply affected by the economic flood coming to the whole world. Great trials are ahead for all of us who deeply love the Lord. Here is what I am led to do by the Holy Spirit. I ask it of my family, all of whom work with the church body” (Wilkerson). Ask God if He’s leading you to do the same (Dr. Grubb added to list below):
1. No more buying luxuries;
2. Cut all spending, except absolute necessities (wartime lifestyle);
3. Sell every unneeded item and turn it into cash, and give it to ministries that care for the poor and needy – TCIF accounts like “Alms” and “Orphans”.
4. Downsize as much as possible;
5. Be willing to let it all come to this, “Having food and raiment [covering], let us be content” (1 Tim. 6:8);
6. Determine to use your time and talents only for God’s glory (He. 13:21).
6. Build-up your faith by reminding God of His promises (Ps. 29:10; 31:1).
7. Share your prayerful ideas with overseers and others.
Fear Not: “Thus saith the Lord, in the natural realm, the problems that we now face on a global scale seem to be insurmountable. However, in the midst of the financial problems that you may face, God’s hand of supernatural provision will be upon you, IF YOU FEAR NOT!” – Dr. Morris Cerullo. God has not given you a spirit of fear. He will never leave you or forsake you! FEAR NOT! There is absolutely no reason for the true child of God to FEAR – EVER! Fear will cause you to forget that God is your source (Isaiah 55:11). Whatever you do, don’t give up! Don’t throw in the towel!
Kingdom Keys: 2 Chronicles 20:20b
1. Learn from Elijah and the widow of Zarephath (1 Kings 17:9).
2. Our Part – 2 Chronicles 7:14a … God’s Part – 2 Chronicles 7:14b.
3. Humble yourself and repent of living by debt – beyond your means.
4. Do not be obsessed with personal wealth – lift up the least and the lost.
5. Watch and pray and obey every day – know God’s will and way in all your decisions.
Dr. Joseph Grubb