Prophecy: Who I’ll Use to Bring Revival
"Some of you, My pastors, My ministers whom I have appointed have
seen their congregations decimated when you started
to pray for a move of My Spirit.”
“Some of you, My dear servants, have seen your churches close down, and your ministries that I called you into are referred to as a 'thing of the past.' Your expected victory looks more like a defeat.
Do not despair, you are right on track, for you have lost only what would have hindered you more in your path toward revival. You feel like you have nothing left? Look at Me; I Am here, you have Me. What else do you need?
The people I will use to bring forth revival, bursting into the surface like a mighty underground river that cannot be contained anymore, are those who have been underground, those who have experienced the three (3) days that precede resurrection.
Only those who have gone through the experience of having lost their own will, in submission to the Father's will, can be used of the Holy Spirit." Forgotten? Isolated? Frowned upon? Laughed at? Lost strength? As long as you cling to Me, you are still the vessel I AM using to carry revival!"
J. Conrad Lampan
May 27, 2007
Do not despair, you are right on track, for you have lost only what would have hindered you more in your path toward revival. You feel like you have nothing left? Look at Me; I Am here, you have Me. What else do you need?
The people I will use to bring forth revival, bursting into the surface like a mighty underground river that cannot be contained anymore, are those who have been underground, those who have experienced the three (3) days that precede resurrection.
Only those who have gone through the experience of having lost their own will, in submission to the Father's will, can be used of the Holy Spirit." Forgotten? Isolated? Frowned upon? Laughed at? Lost strength? As long as you cling to Me, you are still the vessel I AM using to carry revival!"
J. Conrad Lampan
May 27, 2007