DR. JOSEPH GRUBB ... BETTY ANN (graduated to Heaven, "To live is CHRIST, To die is gain"). They served GOD in Toronto and abroad for over thirty-two (32) years. They began their ministry in Kitchener-Waterloo in the 80s, trusting and following the LORD JESUS, The CHRIST -- Emmanuel -- "GOD with us" (Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:23).
In 1990, GOD called Betty Ann and Joseph to plant a church in one of Toronto's "toughest" neighbourhoods. Since then they planted churches in North America and many other regions and nations of the world.
They also equipped thousands of leaders and others in many nations ... Christian and pre-Christian. And, together with others they cared for orphans and the poor. By GOD's sovereign call (Psalm 136:19) and HIS grace, Joseph is an apostolic prophet and pastor to nations. Betty Ann was a beloved "Mummy" and prophetess to nations, and so much more. Together in Christ, they shared the "word of the Lord" for the Body of Christ and nations.
They gave oversight in a dynamic multi-cultural church called "Hosanna Church" or Toronto Christian International Fellowship. TCIF began with five people in August of 1990. And from these humble beginnings, the LORD has created an international network of churches and ministries called Free Spirit Ministries (FSM).
In Canada, Dr. Grubb is an ordained minister with Ministers Network Canada (formerly Canadian Fellowship of Churches and Ministers). His earned degrees are from St. Francis Xavier University (B.A); Emmanuel Bible College (B.Th); Master’s International School of Divinity (M.Min, D.P.Th).
Prior to Toronto, Betty Ann and Joseph labored together in a small business in Kitchener-Waterloo. As mentioned, Betty Ann was a prophetess, but she also served as an intercessor and pastoral assistant. In addition, she was a very compassionate nurse.
But like the apostle Paul, we counted all of these accomplishments “as rubbish” to gain JESUS CHRIST (Philippians 3:8; 1 Corinthians 4:15; Matthew 28:16-20).
EQUIPPING ... The saints and leaders with sure foundations in GOD to accomplish the LORD’s purpose and plans in all spheres of life (2 Timothy 2:19). Joseph is an international speaker and ministers in seminars, conferences, and outreach campaigns wherever God leads. He’s also a prophetic psalmist facilitating worship, releasing the song of the Lord, and equipping worship evangelism teams (John 4:23).
FSM ... General overseer and founder of Free Spirit Ministries, since 1999. FSM is an international team and network of churches and ministers that work together in relationship and GOD’s eightfold purpose.
AUTHOR ... Joseph has developed resource materials, modules to train, and manuals to practically equip the saints and servant leaders to intimately know God and accomplish their work of ministry in all spheres of life. Non-copyright materials are available and adaptable to meet your unique needs.
CHURCHES ... As GOD directs, and with brethren of like precious faith, we reach out and make new disciples by planting new churches and networking with others in HIS purpose (1 Corinthians 3:6). Joseph may function in a coaching role to churches and their leaders by: 1) cultivating church health; 2) nurturing Body life principles; 3) helping to establish Biblical vision and mission strategy (1 Corinthians 12-14). Would you like to help plant a church for only seventy-five (75) to one hundred (100) dollars a month or less for (12) months? Contact us. Let's work together. We've planted churches in many regions of the earth.
SCHOOLS ... SUMMIT and other Schools of Ministry. GOD's Word and the Holy Spirit practically equip the saints for GOD’s will in all spheres of life: the public square, the marketplace, in local churches, world missions, etc. (Ephesians 4:11). Pray with us about launching a local church and internet-based school of ministry/missions Launchpad that powerfully activates and mobilizes GOD's people for harvest and ministry beyond our church buildings and into our society (Luke 4:18-19). What time is it? "It is GOD's end time harvest cycle in ALL the earth!"
ORPHANS ... Co-founders of a total care orphanage and ministries of compassion in the Philippines. Currently, we are caring for orphan boys in Bangladesh with FSM pastor Kalyan Biswas and his team. As GOD directs, we're delighted when given the opportunity and means to network people and resources for the poor (James 1:27).
MEDIA ... Broadcasting on radio and television in Canada and other nations. As GOD directs, Joseph appears on local and international media – declaring the “word of the Lord” to the Church and nations without fear of man or compromise (Jeremiah 1:10).
HARVEST ... Mobilizing strategic events and campaigns to reap a harvest of souls in cities or regions. As GOD directs, mobilizing the harvest by networking, church planting, evangelism, and Spirit-led events (John 4:34-38).
SEMINARS ... Holy Bible-based and empowered by the dynamic anointing of the Holy Spirit. They are prayerfully designed for your specific needs and release GOD’s strategic purpose and plans for your group and area. Biblical topics can include: 1) The Foundation Series; 2) The Summits; 3) Spiritual Revolution; 4) Coming Judgments (Canada and nations in prophecy); 5) The Holy Bible; 6) Leadership & Management; 7) Church Planting; 8) Human & Organizational Development; 9) Small Group Dynamics; 10) Biblical Ministry Topics & Servant Leadership; 11) School of Evangelism; 12) Tailor-made seminars to your needs.
CONTACT ... Connect by email ([email protected]) about: 1) speaking engagement or seminar; 2) equipping your leaders and people; 3) special one-time visit or one-time prophetic ministry; 4) networking with FSM or other. Is GOD calling you to network with us? Is HE directing you to prayerfully or financially sustain HIS work with us? Let's talk. Now is the time!
BETTY ANN ... Daughter of the KING and the LORD’S bondservant (Philippians 2:8) was solely devoted to: 1) Passionately loving GOD and people (Mark 12:28-31); 2) Making disciples in all nations (Matthew 28:18-20); 3) Fulfilling the eightfold divine purpose of Free Spirit Ministries; 4) GOD’s apostolic and prophetic call (Galatians 1:1).
In 1990, GOD called Betty Ann and Joseph to plant a church in one of Toronto's "toughest" neighbourhoods. Since then they planted churches in North America and many other regions and nations of the world.
They also equipped thousands of leaders and others in many nations ... Christian and pre-Christian. And, together with others they cared for orphans and the poor. By GOD's sovereign call (Psalm 136:19) and HIS grace, Joseph is an apostolic prophet and pastor to nations. Betty Ann was a beloved "Mummy" and prophetess to nations, and so much more. Together in Christ, they shared the "word of the Lord" for the Body of Christ and nations.
They gave oversight in a dynamic multi-cultural church called "Hosanna Church" or Toronto Christian International Fellowship. TCIF began with five people in August of 1990. And from these humble beginnings, the LORD has created an international network of churches and ministries called Free Spirit Ministries (FSM).
In Canada, Dr. Grubb is an ordained minister with Ministers Network Canada (formerly Canadian Fellowship of Churches and Ministers). His earned degrees are from St. Francis Xavier University (B.A); Emmanuel Bible College (B.Th); Master’s International School of Divinity (M.Min, D.P.Th).
Prior to Toronto, Betty Ann and Joseph labored together in a small business in Kitchener-Waterloo. As mentioned, Betty Ann was a prophetess, but she also served as an intercessor and pastoral assistant. In addition, she was a very compassionate nurse.
But like the apostle Paul, we counted all of these accomplishments “as rubbish” to gain JESUS CHRIST (Philippians 3:8; 1 Corinthians 4:15; Matthew 28:16-20).
EQUIPPING ... The saints and leaders with sure foundations in GOD to accomplish the LORD’s purpose and plans in all spheres of life (2 Timothy 2:19). Joseph is an international speaker and ministers in seminars, conferences, and outreach campaigns wherever God leads. He’s also a prophetic psalmist facilitating worship, releasing the song of the Lord, and equipping worship evangelism teams (John 4:23).
FSM ... General overseer and founder of Free Spirit Ministries, since 1999. FSM is an international team and network of churches and ministers that work together in relationship and GOD’s eightfold purpose.
AUTHOR ... Joseph has developed resource materials, modules to train, and manuals to practically equip the saints and servant leaders to intimately know God and accomplish their work of ministry in all spheres of life. Non-copyright materials are available and adaptable to meet your unique needs.
CHURCHES ... As GOD directs, and with brethren of like precious faith, we reach out and make new disciples by planting new churches and networking with others in HIS purpose (1 Corinthians 3:6). Joseph may function in a coaching role to churches and their leaders by: 1) cultivating church health; 2) nurturing Body life principles; 3) helping to establish Biblical vision and mission strategy (1 Corinthians 12-14). Would you like to help plant a church for only seventy-five (75) to one hundred (100) dollars a month or less for (12) months? Contact us. Let's work together. We've planted churches in many regions of the earth.
SCHOOLS ... SUMMIT and other Schools of Ministry. GOD's Word and the Holy Spirit practically equip the saints for GOD’s will in all spheres of life: the public square, the marketplace, in local churches, world missions, etc. (Ephesians 4:11). Pray with us about launching a local church and internet-based school of ministry/missions Launchpad that powerfully activates and mobilizes GOD's people for harvest and ministry beyond our church buildings and into our society (Luke 4:18-19). What time is it? "It is GOD's end time harvest cycle in ALL the earth!"
ORPHANS ... Co-founders of a total care orphanage and ministries of compassion in the Philippines. Currently, we are caring for orphan boys in Bangladesh with FSM pastor Kalyan Biswas and his team. As GOD directs, we're delighted when given the opportunity and means to network people and resources for the poor (James 1:27).
MEDIA ... Broadcasting on radio and television in Canada and other nations. As GOD directs, Joseph appears on local and international media – declaring the “word of the Lord” to the Church and nations without fear of man or compromise (Jeremiah 1:10).
HARVEST ... Mobilizing strategic events and campaigns to reap a harvest of souls in cities or regions. As GOD directs, mobilizing the harvest by networking, church planting, evangelism, and Spirit-led events (John 4:34-38).
SEMINARS ... Holy Bible-based and empowered by the dynamic anointing of the Holy Spirit. They are prayerfully designed for your specific needs and release GOD’s strategic purpose and plans for your group and area. Biblical topics can include: 1) The Foundation Series; 2) The Summits; 3) Spiritual Revolution; 4) Coming Judgments (Canada and nations in prophecy); 5) The Holy Bible; 6) Leadership & Management; 7) Church Planting; 8) Human & Organizational Development; 9) Small Group Dynamics; 10) Biblical Ministry Topics & Servant Leadership; 11) School of Evangelism; 12) Tailor-made seminars to your needs.
CONTACT ... Connect by email ([email protected]) about: 1) speaking engagement or seminar; 2) equipping your leaders and people; 3) special one-time visit or one-time prophetic ministry; 4) networking with FSM or other. Is GOD calling you to network with us? Is HE directing you to prayerfully or financially sustain HIS work with us? Let's talk. Now is the time!
BETTY ANN ... Daughter of the KING and the LORD’S bondservant (Philippians 2:8) was solely devoted to: 1) Passionately loving GOD and people (Mark 12:28-31); 2) Making disciples in all nations (Matthew 28:18-20); 3) Fulfilling the eightfold divine purpose of Free Spirit Ministries; 4) GOD’s apostolic and prophetic call (Galatians 1:1).