Summary: Prepared for Coming Judgments
Spiritual Preparations
The Foundations: For those who are prepared, it will not be difficult to survive and even thrive … for those who are walking in the true fear of the Lord! Four essential foundations to keep you in the storm: 1) Intimacy – daily seeking God in the secret place;
2) Humility – walk in meekness before God and in relationships; openness and brokenness; lifestyle of repentance; obedience unto death; 3) Holiness – remain set apart for God in your mind, heart, and body; in everything; make Word-centered and Spirit-led choices; 4) Covenant – fellowship God and stay together with His Body (Hebrews 10:24-25).
Proverbs 10:25, “When the whirlwind passes by, the wicked is no more, but the righteous has an everlasting foundation.” Harden not your hearts as in the days of rebellion. The righteous will have a sure foundation. Repent and go straight ahead with Jesus, not turning to the right or the left!
Interdependence: This following is a word to the leaders and others. We need to set aside the wrong kind of independence and develop the right kind of interdependence. We need to have our dependence on the Lord and interdependence in covenant relationship with His people. We need to work together and deal with the lawlessness and rebellion that keeps us apart. We need to understand how to work together. We need to repent of not putting our house in order, of not reaching out to the lost in the power of His Spirit.
Set Me Ablaze: We need to pray and cry out to the Lord, “Set me ablaze!” “Baptize me in the Holy Ghost!” The Lord says, “Arise My people – Arise – Arise and seek Me in the secret place, until I come and set you ablaze with My Spirit! And you go forth like I sent My people in the early days, like on the day of Pentecost. They went into the entire world and declared Jesus saves, Jesus heals, and Jesus delivers!” God is calling you today, “Rise up and come into your endtime calling, come into your place of ministry. Be prepared for your last phase of ministry. Arise and fulfill the will of Your God. You have drawn back because of selfishness. It is time to repent!”
No Complacency: By grace through faith in Jesus Christ, rise up out of complacency, come to the Lord in repentance, and turn from your wicked ways. We need to awaken and seek God with all our heart, and with fasting and prayer. A storm of judgment is coming, but we will also receive His glory, if we’re found hidden in the secret place, walking in the biblical fear of the Lord (Isaiah 60:1-3). Now is the time to stand in the gap for North America! Upon those who are at ease, the tornadoes will come suddenly! Many were not able to respond with Spirit-led action because of their excessive teachings, rather than a living intimacy with the Father. Many are over-fed.
The Secret Place: Heart-rending intersession from the “secret place” and “obedience to God” is the only thing that can avert the retribution or judgments coming to those “sitting on their lees or at ease in Zion.” We must learn that the “secret place” is the place of protection and understanding.
The Army of God: The armies of God in the Scott Holtz dream are those who: 1) were heeding the blast of the trumpets of God; 2) were preparing themselves to liberate those in prison houses; 3) Know God intimately; 4) were tuned into the whisper of the Spirit’s leading; 5) will do exploits for the Lord!
The Final Warning: This is a final warning to those listening and taking this lightly! There will be no natural security in this time of judgment! Hebrews 12:25, God is coming as a consuming fire! Receive the voice of God from Heaven. Prepare now for what God has said! Proverbs 10:25, We need to be hearers and doers of God’s word. If you’re lukewarm, you’ve lost your first love, if you’re walking in sin, you will not be under the protection of the Lord.
The Marching Orders: There needs to be repentance from false accusation! And we need to be content with our wages in a world full of greed. We need to ask God, “What are your fresh marching orders for your people?” We need to come into the righteousness He’s calling us to. Go to the upper room in obedience, like the early church went into the upper room! We need a baptism with fire, not just the speaking in other tongues. When this baptism of the Spirit comes, we will change the world! This is the final marching order to “David’s Army” – a type of God’s last day Army. We are not called to be separate and independent warriors! Rise up and join with your brethren in the Army of the Lord!
The Commando Army: We are in a time of great spiritual battle. God’s preparing a Commando Army which can fight and win under tough conditions and with few resources. The Commando Army is a small group in the church which God is calling into strict discipleship. They will reject the things of the world and live solely on what God provides. Their joy in poverty will be a witness to the world. They will be mighty warriors in prayer. They will experience the power of God, being able to minister to all people in all situations. Their sole motivation will be the love of Christ. When this Army is ready, God will drop the bomb of an economic depression on a scale which has not seen before. It will make the depression of the 1930's look mild. God will shake the nation. It will have two effects. Firstly - it will shatter the church! The church has become a “Peacetime Army” unaware that an intense battle is raging. The people have been blinded by wealth and have become so satiated that they have sunk into apathy. Although these events are a little way away, they are inevitable. At present, God is calling up His Commando Army, but He is only calling for volunteers. Thus it is a time of decision. If we join, it will be costly, but it will save much heartbreak later. If we choose to join we must become warriors of God. We must become powerful in prayer. We must learn to move in the power of the Spirit, we must lay aside all the things of the world which would encumber us. We must learn to live solely for the love of God. It will be costly, but how great the prize ... a country brought back to God!
Nature of Storm: Let's now examine some key endtime Scriptures about what this storm is; "And because lawlessness is increased, most peoples love will grow cold" (Matthew 24:12). Notice here that the word love is "agape" or the God-kind of love will wax and grow cold in the hearts of believers during the last days before Jesus returns to planet earth. This is a very serious warning, and we must not be caught off guard to this epidemic of apostasy and secret falling away that is now happening. But let's look even deeper into the context of why and how this is happening. It is found in the verses proceeding which have this progression: 1) believers will be offended; 2) believers will betray one another; 3) believers will hate one another. Be brutally honest and have the courage to contact that brother or sister or anyone who has offended you or you them. Reach out the hand of unconditional love and reconciliation. Go to them first and them only. And even if they don't listen, calibrate yourselves to keep up the momentum to keep talking to them no matter how long it takes to bring in those who are acting accountable only to themselves. Don't give up and do not get tempted into a place of anger or frustration. Stay in gentleness and keep the inner peace. You’ll experience God’s supernatural presence as you’re a warring peacemaker. Conflict resolution is very important!