2012 Predictions: Persecution Will Increase in USA
At the threshold of this New Year, people everywhere are concerned. Escalating
political, economic and social unrest have caused many, even believers, to
become perplexed and fearful about the future. Jesus warned us that before His
return, perilous times would come. But thank God, He has provided a way for us
to not only survive but even thrive during even the most difficult of times.
Allow me to illustrate.
My family and I are certified scuba divers. One of the first things I learned as a
diver is that inclement weather doesn't necessarily indicate that you're going
to have a bad dive. As a matter of fact, the storms can be raging on the
surface, but deep below the divers are experiencing a spectacular kaleidoscope
of colorful choral and tropical fish.
In relation to this upcoming year, the Lord has spoken to me of rough weather
ahead. So, in anticipation, let's all recognize the stormy seas, determine to
dive deep and experience the peace of God. 2012 will be a great year as we hear
His voice and obey His every command.
In 2012, I predict the following:
The nuclear arms race will continue to escalate, giving arrogant dictators
unprecedented power. The instability of the Middle East creates fear, which in
turn produces irrational behavior through its leadership. Christians must pray
that covert operations are exposed before damage can be done.
Martyrdom will continue to escalate as radical religious groups lose tolerance
with aggressive Christians. Approximately 175,000 Christians are martyred every
year. This will take place both in the U.S. and abroad. Christians should pray
for their persecuted brethren.
There will be an obvious creation of a new world philosophy with the blending of
religions as its core. Traditional belief systems will seem antiquated as a new
understanding of the world system is revealed through media and political
propaganda. Pray that the Holy Spirit exposes this onslaught of New Age
In 2012, countries will continue to yield to immigrants in order to keep their
sovereignty. The low birthrate will be so alarming that laws will be changed in
order to accommodate the population influx from other nations. In turn, many
conservative nations will become radically anti-democratic.
Persecution will increase in the United States, separating true followers of
Christ from Sunday morning believers.
The baptism of the Holy Spirit will continue to be relegated to the back room as
to not offend the seekers of a more relaxed religion. Christians pray for a
Don't be shocked at this avalanche of worldwide events. God is omniscient and is
in TOTAL control. These things, and many more, must come to pass in order to
usher in the anti-Christ. Banks MUST fail in order to incorporate the one world
banking system. The BIG boys will overtake the entire monetary system while the
small players sit by helplessly hanging on. Giants like China and India will
continue to crush the competition while the rest of the corporate world fights
to stay alive.
Relax Christians! There must be a shaking and sifting before God's System can rise to
the occasion. In 2012, you are safe investing in God's economy, and super-safe
storing up treasures in Heaven where moth and rust cannot corrupt.
About the author: Steve Hill
is the founder of Heartland Church in Las Colinas, Texas. He is perhaps best
known as the evangelist for the Brownsville revival in Pensacola, Fla.
January 3rd, 2012
At the threshold of this New Year, people everywhere are concerned. Escalating
political, economic and social unrest have caused many, even believers, to
become perplexed and fearful about the future. Jesus warned us that before His
return, perilous times would come. But thank God, He has provided a way for us
to not only survive but even thrive during even the most difficult of times.
Allow me to illustrate.
My family and I are certified scuba divers. One of the first things I learned as a
diver is that inclement weather doesn't necessarily indicate that you're going
to have a bad dive. As a matter of fact, the storms can be raging on the
surface, but deep below the divers are experiencing a spectacular kaleidoscope
of colorful choral and tropical fish.
In relation to this upcoming year, the Lord has spoken to me of rough weather
ahead. So, in anticipation, let's all recognize the stormy seas, determine to
dive deep and experience the peace of God. 2012 will be a great year as we hear
His voice and obey His every command.
In 2012, I predict the following:
The nuclear arms race will continue to escalate, giving arrogant dictators
unprecedented power. The instability of the Middle East creates fear, which in
turn produces irrational behavior through its leadership. Christians must pray
that covert operations are exposed before damage can be done.
Martyrdom will continue to escalate as radical religious groups lose tolerance
with aggressive Christians. Approximately 175,000 Christians are martyred every
year. This will take place both in the U.S. and abroad. Christians should pray
for their persecuted brethren.
There will be an obvious creation of a new world philosophy with the blending of
religions as its core. Traditional belief systems will seem antiquated as a new
understanding of the world system is revealed through media and political
propaganda. Pray that the Holy Spirit exposes this onslaught of New Age
In 2012, countries will continue to yield to immigrants in order to keep their
sovereignty. The low birthrate will be so alarming that laws will be changed in
order to accommodate the population influx from other nations. In turn, many
conservative nations will become radically anti-democratic.
Persecution will increase in the United States, separating true followers of
Christ from Sunday morning believers.
The baptism of the Holy Spirit will continue to be relegated to the back room as
to not offend the seekers of a more relaxed religion. Christians pray for a
Don't be shocked at this avalanche of worldwide events. God is omniscient and is
in TOTAL control. These things, and many more, must come to pass in order to
usher in the anti-Christ. Banks MUST fail in order to incorporate the one world
banking system. The BIG boys will overtake the entire monetary system while the
small players sit by helplessly hanging on. Giants like China and India will
continue to crush the competition while the rest of the corporate world fights
to stay alive.
Relax Christians! There must be a shaking and sifting before God's System can rise to
the occasion. In 2012, you are safe investing in God's economy, and super-safe
storing up treasures in Heaven where moth and rust cannot corrupt.
About the author: Steve Hill
is the founder of Heartland Church in Las Colinas, Texas. He is perhaps best
known as the evangelist for the Brownsville revival in Pensacola, Fla.
January 3rd, 2012